Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A World-Wide Audience

We often talk about students writing for an authentic audience. I mean how many of us wrote a paper for a teacher when we were in school to only have the teacher read it, mark it and hand it back to us. Then what happened? We looked at the mark and then tossed the paper. How many tossed papers would others have liked to read? A lot I think. Now there is a blog I found today that brings students out of the classroom and gives them an authentic audience. They are creating "This I Believe" essays and posting them as podcasts. Oh, but wait, in case you think they were just recording their thoughts off the top of their heads...no! Their completed essays are also there in text.
These students have some amazing things to say. Listen for yourself. This is the kind of learning we all should be striving for in our classes!

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